1 thought on “Gigs

  1. Dear Ali,
    I heard, saw and spoke you in Grossheide close to Norden where I live and was really flashed! Since then I listen to all the different gigs that you and your band colleagues played and forwarded it to friends and other people that might be interested. Very much I like the Album launch (of Symbiosis II?), live at the Drygate, Glasgow 2018, my friends too!!!
    It must have been a bit strange to play in the “Burderee” with all people sitting, beeing so calm ;-). I liked it (seeing the open fire behind you) and enjoyed it so much. Only 30 minutes because of the children waiting at home. When I closed my eyes I could see and hear the gig somewhere in the far north of Scotland or Iceland with crazy people having fun and seeing amazing landscape!
    Thank you so much for coming to this small spot in the far north of Ostfriesland”!
    At this moment you three are starting to play another concert (its just after eight). I would have loved to come to Leer or Oldenburg… Hopefully next time! See you!!!
    Greetings from Uda

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