The time of year has come when popular vote decides who’s dain it better! What have you done better than the next person, band, project etc? Well, I’m not a fan of the idea of being placed in direct competition with those that you love and respect. The thought of your whole years work gearing towards receiving an award is something that makes me feel uneasy. It’s not part of the thought process, it’s not the reason why we do what we do. We love playing music, we love making music, creating, sharing, enjoying and being inclusive……not exclusive!! However, these ceremonies are part of the machine, part of the cogs that make the whole thing spin. It’s a promotional arrow in the quiver. Something that agents and promoters love. Looks good on the website and the posters. So, CATCH 22. Be passive. Allow them to happen. Get on with your existence in which many of us have been afforded the opportunity of being employed by something we love dearly! SYMBIOSIS 2 has been longlisted for album of the year……which I guess is good in that we put a lot of work into it, and folk like it.

A category which we would love to be nominated in, here begins the hypocritical bit, is the Belhaven innovation award. This provides a band, or project the opportunity to further develop their music. It’s a cash price of £25,000. Which would allow for a serious boost towards the production of more music, and further gig development. So……..we would be gracious if you would consider us for this category……and of course I have been brushing up on my Gaelic singing so…… can vote for me in that category too. The outcome of this rant, I know, is kind of grey!! If you’d like to vote though, you can do so here……….

Feasgar math!!!